
Denver Zoo – Down Under Animal Encounter now open!!!

The Denver Zoo has introduced a new exhibit called “Down Under,” showcasing popular Australian animals like wallabies, kangaroos, and cassowaries. Visitors can experience a unique immersive pathway, allowing close encounters with these creatures. Jake Kubie, the zoo’s communications director, highlighted the “nose-to-nose” moments guests can expect and emphasized the importance of respecting the animals’ space.

The exhibit aims to offer a taste of international wildlife experiences to the local community. “Down Under” features attractions like Wallaby Way, where visitors can observe animals like Marshmallow, the albino wallaby. The exhibit’s opening ceremony included remarks from First Gentleman Marlon Reis and contributions from Australian poet and artist Kirli Saunders.

Australian Honorary Consul and AUSDenver’s President James Waddell was one of the guest speakers at the event.  We hope you embark on your own Australian safari and discover the wonders of “Down Under” at the Denver Zoo today!

#AusDenver #DownUnder #AussieEncounter #DenverZoo



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